

Book review of Nancy Drew - The Secret of Candlelight Inn

Nancy Drew is one of the famous and interesting dectetives of the world.I used to read nancy drew's series often. It is really interesting to read it. Each page of the book contains suspense. Once the book is in hand we forgets everything around. 

Recently I read the story of nancy drew the secret of candlelight inn.One of Nancy's best friends, Bess Marvin, has just got Casey, who is to be trained as a guide dog. She got her at Candlelight Inn, an old, slightly spooky inn that was donated to the Guiding Eyes by Emmaline Whitby, a blind woman. Her granddaughter, Marisa, was one of the bsee's friends.Even though Marisa is blind and uses a guide dog, she is still friendly and finds ways to get around using Misty, Marisa's golden retriever guide dog. But there's also mystery around their hometown of River Heights.

Counterfeit money is being passed around Nancy, Bess, and George's town of River Heights, and the three best friends are shocked to find out that Eric Pavlik, one of Marisa's friends, was caught passing a counterfeit bill, back when there was another counterfeiting ring.Nancy get involved in the case. Marisa and Nancy have been receiving multiple threats to stop, too. But Nancy won't give up a case!

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