

The Kid Who Became President

The Kid Who Became President

Title: The Kid Who Became President

Price: $ 6.99

Publisher:  Scholastic

I.S.B.N:  978-0-545-44-214-5

Author:  Dan Gutman

Pages:   215

Edition: June 2012

The book- The kid who became president is an adventurous book written by Dan Gutman. The author Dan Gutman is an American who had made many works for the youth such as The homework machine, The my weird school series etc. The characters of this book are Judson Moon, Lane, Agent Doe, Chelsa etc. This is the book sequel to The kid who ran for president. The story is all about the adventures of a boy who became president and in every incident of the book there is s childish way. At last, Moon resigns as president and makes Syers as the president. The main character of the book is Judson Moon, who is studying  in 7th grade and knows nothing about the democracy or the duties of the president becomes the president and the experiences are recorded in the book. I liked Moon the most because his foolish decisions made me read foreword. The book costs $ 6.99 and it is published by scholastic Inc. In my opinion the  book is readable to  the students of 4th grade to 7th grade and it has a very simple language. I liked the book very much because it is presented in a nice way that we feel it is written by the main character- Judson Moon. I hope you will also read this book and I'm eager to know how Judson became president by reading the kid who ran for president very soon.

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