

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Harry Potter                                       .       and the Philosopher's Stone

Author : J. K. Rowling

Publisher : Bloomsbury Publications

Pages : 223

Cost : 400 Rupees

Series : Harry Potter

     The world famous book, I would say, the 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' is a wonderful masterpiece of J. K. Rowling.  Also known as Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, was the first book published in this Harry Potter Series.  Such a creative and also humorous work in the first part, I liked reading and  I enjoyed it the most.  This book is a story based on a boy named Harry Potter, who is enrolled at  Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and fights battle  against the dreadful Lord Voldemort and his slaves...

     This book is also a world famous movie.  The other books in this series are Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows - which comprises of two parts.  Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger are two of Harry's best friends.  It is a little long book, but would be enjoyable for the readers.  This book has 17 chapters, and the 17th chapter is the most thrilling one.
     Hope you will, you surely will enjoy this book..

Sayooj Samuel 
  IX A

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