


Dan Brown
Brown’s sixth novel, needless to say again comes up to the expectations of the author’s readers. But however I won’t say that it beats Da Vinci code. The story is set in Florence, Venice and then back to Florence. Author Dan brown has again manufactured suspense and it pours like bullets from a machine gun. The book is big but the story is comparatively short, short as compared to other Brown’s stories. But it’s good. Twists are really twisting in the story. You would never guess it, if you are me, of course. One would notice that tons of research has been done for the book, for every location the author has given us a vivid description. Oh I forgot to mention, the story is also Robert Langdon’s fourth adventure. The threshold of the story is a hospital scene where Langdon wakes up, a stranger to his recent events. I won’t reveal much, you read and find out!

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