

Geronimo Stilton: Thea Stilton and the star castaways

Published by: Scholastic
Price: INR 325/-

This is an amazing book. I love this book and I love to read books of Geronimo Stilton.

This story is about Geronimo's sister Thea Stilton and her five friends. They were Collette, Nicky, Violet, Paulina and Pamela. Together called as the Thea sisters.

This is a story of going to space. The Thea sisters were going to space after the training from Napoleon Smith. He was a  business mouse in the new mouse city. They went space and they enjoyed and studies new things from space. And it was  an adventurous trip for them. After they came back from space and they were super stars of the new mouse city.

Avanthika Sivadas, VII B

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