

Goosebumps Curse of the Camp Cold Lake

 In the book The Curse of Camp Cold Lake, Sarah and her brother Aaron came to Camp Cold Lake in the summer. But Sarah has a lot of problems with her roommates, because no one liked her. So Sarah pretends to drown, so people will feel sorry for her and be her friend. But it didn’t go the way Sarah had planned, “because down by the cold, dark lake, someone is watching her seriously,  Someone with pale blue eyes. And a transparent body…”

My favorite part is when Sarah was trying to drown, she saw Della the ghost spying on her. Sarah got highly frightened when she found out that Della was keeping an eye on her.

I think this book is mainly about friendship, because Sarah’s biggest problem is being friends with her roommates. And that’s why she pretended to drown, and let people feel sorry for her and becomes her friend.

I think this book is really good, because it’s really detailed and the story really catches people’s attention.

                                                                                                   Abhishek Kasturi

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