Title of the book: “Five Point Someone”
Publisher: Rupa . co
‘A friend in need is a friend in deed’. This statement is being ‘clearly hidden’ behind the novel ‘Five point someone’, written by Chetan Bhagat. This marvelous book is very funny yet heart touching too. The main characters in this story are Hari, Ryan and Alok ; three friends of different family statuses. The background of this story is an IIT institution, where the three friends are studying. This novel mainly focuses on true friendship and love. It also discusses about the life and future of those three guys. This was such an interesting story that I kept on looking my eyes at the pages of this book the whole day and night! I had a good experience reading this book and I liked it very much. Dear readers, you must not forget to read this awesome book. This is a must reader for both the students of IIT and others! You can only understand the real meaning of the title of this novel after reading the book. So try to read this novel as soon as possible……you can start to read from now!!!