The real adventure starts suddenly when two strange men drive off in the car with Peter and Janet in the back seat. This sudden tense passage, following the anticlimax of the pretend mystery, is very well done. It is dark, as in many of these Secret Seven adventures, and the atmosphere is typically 'Secret Seven'.
Peter's father plays down the episode but the children are determined to investigate. Peter has a very embarrassing moment when the trail leads to a friend of his fathers, and has to retreat to the tea-shop for macaroons to recover his composure. They don't often go out for tea like this, and I'm sure it makes a nice change from their usual menu. Peter even dresses up in disguise in order to watch out for the suspects. It's not quite an 'Event' as it is when Fatty disguises himself, because Peter, like the rest of us ordinary mortals, doesn't have the 'Trotteville Touch';
Pam also has a bright idea and Peter says quite honestly that he's sometimes thought that she's not as good a member as the others, but 'now I know you are'. Praise from Peter is praise indeed, but it does make one wonder why Pam and Barbara are members. Perhaps they are Janet's friends, though this is not obvious.
The police are very impressed at the end when they are handed the case on a plate so to speak. Peter's father is moved to remark, "They certainly have done some good work", hence the title.
Anne Joseph