

five points of someone

Book: Five points of Someone
Author: Chetan Bhagat
Published By: Rupa Publication
Publication Year:2004

Five points of someone what not to do at IIT  this book is not a guide to make you pass in IIT and this book is not the history of IIT this book is about three friends, this book tell's us what all troubles they face and what all troubles they made their .And this book tell us how bad things can get if you don't think straight.And the story is about the three peoples friendship,their love,life,their future.And the main characters are Hari, Ryan, Alok, Prof Cherian and Neha . The five points are 1. They've messed up their grades big time. 2. Alok and Ryan can't stop bickering with each other. 3. Hari is smitten with Neha who happen's to be Prof Cherian's daughter. 4. As IITians, they're expected to conquer the world, something they know isn't likely to happen. 5. they're with each other. my favorite part in the book is Will we make it? that part so interesting that i liked and another thing is that their was an film on it that was 3 idiots it was an famous film and some changes are their between the book and the film. So i think friends you well also read this book and enjoy it Thank you.



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