

The Chronicles of Narnia

Prince Caspian

Author- C S Lewis
Pages- 239
Publishers- Harper Collins
Cost- Rs. 125
ISBN-  978-0-00-728625-6

The Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian is the second book in the Chronicles of Narnia series. The book is the sequel to the Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. The protagonists of the story are the Pevensies, Caspian the tenth and Aslan the Lion. 

This book starts from the place where the Pevensies (Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy) are waiting for the train which will take them to their schools. But suddenly they feel a pull and voila! They are back in Narnia. Narnia has been conquered by Telmarines and Prince Caspian has to fight for his throne. He seeks help and the old kings are back in Narnia. The book is written in simple English and it is written in way in which the reader gets the image of what happens there clearly. Some movie images are there in the book which makes it more interesting. This book is a must read for fantasy lovers.

Nirupam V

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