Book name-Ignited minds:Unleasing the power within India
Author-Dr.A.P.J Abdul Kalam
Publishers-Penguin books
This is truly a wonderful book which will ignite the young minds to feel pride in past and faith in the future of our nation.Dr.A.P.J Abdul Kalam expresses his practical ideas in making our country a developed one by the year 2020.He takes up issues as he met thousands of schoolchildren,teachers,scientists and saints on the way of his pilgrimage.I firmly believe that ignited minds should be read by every young citizen of our country.
ADMN NO:-3435
Author-Dr.A.P.J Abdul Kalam
Publishers-Penguin books
This is truly a wonderful book which will ignite the young minds to feel pride in past and faith in the future of our nation.Dr.A.P.J Abdul Kalam expresses his practical ideas in making our country a developed one by the year 2020.He takes up issues as he met thousands of schoolchildren,teachers,scientists and saints on the way of his pilgrimage.I firmly believe that ignited minds should be read by every young citizen of our country.
ADMN NO:-3435