The storm is English translation of Oriya novel ‘Jhanja’. This novel was first published in 1949.This novel is based on the problems the society faces. Each and every line in this novel creates tension while reading. The main character of this story is Kshanaprava. She first belongs to rich family. But, when she marries Tusharkanti, she becomes poor. Who is intelligent but poor. She later was accompanied by Sukanti, mother of her ex- lover. She asked Kshanaprava to come to her house where she finds all comforts-bed to sleep and enough food to eat. But, when Kshanaprava reaches there she feels like a burden. She has to do all chores, has to take care of Sukanti (her lover’s mother ), Hemagini(Dushmanta’s(her ex- lover)sister)and Dusmanta too. Besides this she has to take care of Tusharkanti-her husband, her mother in law as well as Niharika-her sister in law. She has to work for the ‘Home for Destitute’ which Dushmanta introduced when she reached his house. Dushmanta helped Kshnaprava’s family a lot.... But, she was unable to take care of both Tusharkanti and Dushmanta. Kshanaprava’s father married again when her mother died. And she wasn’t happy with that. She wails in her room thinking of all this. She knows art of talking and smiling. She is good and kind-hearted. But, magazines and newspapers published false news-that she is mingling with other men. But, what she does is asking them to donate money for the ‘Home for the destitute ‘.
Sometimes, she thinks that she looks ugly. But she is very beautiful her face is like a champak flower, her lips as red as rose and her eyes looked as if it is painted with a brush. She herself stand in front of mirror and looks if she is pretty or not.
Between this pressure, she loses Sukanti and her mother in law. Dushmanta’s sister -Hemagini makes fun of her. But Kshanaprava wouldn’t listen to that. She tells her husband to leave this house and settle in their old home which is made of mud. She prefer her old home to be her heaven. But, Tusharkanti couldn’t understand her. He loves her. But, couldn’t part with her decision. However, Kshnaprava manages to obey Tusharkanti and tries to adjust her life... she feels that god is cursing her but she sometimes think that God is great.
I loved the character very much. Kshanaprava is symbol of kind and forgiveness. Each and every sentence is written beautifully.
Smriti. PT
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