It is a very interesting book by ENID BLYTON. The main content in this book is the story of ''The Magic Watering Can'. It's a story of a lazy little pixie called Tweeky. He left everything till the last possible moment.But there was some thing that he really have to do and that was to water the garden if he refuse to do he was going to lose all his lettuces,peas and carrots.He thought of making the work easy.
So he went to mother lucy to ask her for a spell?But when he went there she was not there so he took a spell and escaped from there. and the can started workng itself but there is a problem and because f that he fall on a trabbel and have to work hard.And thats how the lazy pixie worked hard.There are many other storys like this in this book.
The book have 192 pages.The book is of simple language and its a read for fun book.