

Geronimo Stilton Race Against Time

I have read a book Geronimo Stilton Race Against Time.  It was an adventure book.  It would help children improve their vocabulary.  The book also explains about teamwork, and co-operation.  Students can also improve their reading skills by reading this book.  Students who hate reading will love reading by this book.  This also encourages children to make reading a daily habit.  It is totally a good book .   . If anyone starts reading the book they will keep reading it.  No one will get bored.
I like the character Geronimo Stilton.  Sometimes he is a coward.  He always stands with his team.  He always makes a smile on everyone's face.  Sometimes animals would pull his legs or hands but he still escapes.  And the funniest character in this book is the Trap Stilton who always eats and eats he is also a prankster.

Benjamin Stilton is a cute little character who is the nephew of Geronimo Stilton and he is the favorite nephew for Geronimo Stilton (his uncle). He is totally a sweetie pie for Geronimo. Geronimo thinks hat Benjamin will become a great journalist someday.  Thea Stilton is Geronimo's sister. She is the correspondent of the Rodent's Gazette.  She loves traveling and adventures. Bugsy-wugsy is Benjamin's best friend she is a cheerful and lovely small little rodent.
I recommend all to read it


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