

Veronika Decides To Die

Title: Veronika Decides To Die
Author: Paulo Coelho
Number of pages: 190                                                                                                                        
Cost: 350
Since Paulo Coelho's "Alchemist" is an international bestseller, I thought of trying one of his other works. Most of his works are based on problems faced by people. The way he explains things really attracts people and that's why he is a bestseller. Most authors do not choose such themes. The protagonist of the story is Veronika whose life is at stake or she is leading a life between life and death. She is also accompanied by certain people when she gets admitted. Paulo Coelho has connected the story with fear and many other unpleasant emotions. I found few similarities between this book and some others books that I had read of the same kind. This is the second Caulo book that I read. He actually describes the feelings of a girl who is going to face death.  The story was not in the way I had imagined, it was little different. After completing one of Caulo's books, a very dissimilar feeling comes to our mind. This book, in other words talk about a different kind of life. I will recommend this book to all my schoolmates who haven't read any of his works yet. The author covers all the required content in 190 pages. Reading such books should not be considered a waste, because these make us learn some values. If I go on write, then the message from the book will get broken, so let me stop here. You, yourself should read the book inorder to know different aspects of life!!!!!


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